链表倒序,难点在于如何一个个地修改。虽然不是数组,但是大概思想是一样的,所以可以用一个for循序,一个游标对应for循环里面的 i,只不过要记得前一个节点和后一个节点,尤其是后一个,因为修改之后就访问不到后面的,所以要记录。for每一个循环只改变所指向的那个节点的指针,这样既不会乱套了。
#include#include #include using namespace std;//链表节点类class Node{private: int m_data; Node* m_next; Node(Node&) {} //copy constructor is not allowedpublic: explicit Node(int val = 0) : m_data(val), m_next(NULL) {} int getData() const { return m_data; } void setData(int val) { m_data = val; } Node* getNext(void) const { return m_next; } void setNext(Node* p) { m_next = p; }};//链表class MyList{private: Node* m_head; //pionter to the first node of the list Node* m_tail; //poinoer to the last node of the list MyList(MyList&) {}public: explicit MyList() : m_head(NULL), m_tail(NULL) {} void addNode(Node* pNode); void show(void) const; void reverse(void); void clean(void);};void MyList::addNode(Node* pNode){ if (m_head) { m_tail->setNext(pNode); m_tail = pNode; } else //blank list { m_head = pNode; m_tail = pNode; }}void MyList::show(void) const{ Node* pNode = m_head; while (pNode) { std::cout << pNode->getData() << " "; pNode = pNode->getNext(); }}void MyList::reverse(void){ Node* preNode = NULL; //下面游标的前一个 Node* pNode ; //指向每一个节点,相当于游标 Node* afterNode; //上面游标的上一个 for (pNode = m_head; pNode != NULL; pNode = afterNode) //这里的每次循环对应一个节点,本质上和数组原理差不多 { afterNode = pNode->getNext(); pNode->setNext(preNode); preNode = pNode; } pNode = m_head; //交换头尾指针 m_head = m_tail; m_tail = pNode;}void MyList::clean(void){ if (m_head) { Node* pNode = m_head; Node* pTemp; while (pNode) { pTemp = pNode->getNext(); delete pNode; pNode = pTemp; } m_head = m_tail = NULL; }}int main(void){ MyList listHead; srand((unsigned)time(NULL)); for (int i = 0; i < 9; i++) { int temp = rand() % 50; Node* pNode = new Node(temp); listHead.addNode(pNode); } listHead.show(); listHead.reverse(); cout << endl; listHead.show(); listHead.clean(); listHead.show(); system("pause");}